Friday 8 January 2010

In what way does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real life media products?

Our advert sequel is our main media final outcome. With this outcome, we kept in mind we had to cater to our target audiences needs to ensure to hail the audience to purchase our product.

We wanted to create a clean cut advert to demonstrate the temporal change from when the gas kettle was the best technology and took a long amount of time for the water to boil to the electric kettle, where it can boil within around 20/30 seconds.
Our focus of this task was to sell our product as being then best new kettle on the market, the use of nostalgia helped with our ideas as they developed ensuring we used a comic element to our advert again was vital, we wanted it to be fun and upbeat as the market at the moment is so dull because of the recession.

By holding a discussion group it enabled us, once we had our initial ideas, to go forward with the ones that the varied audience liked the idea of and what they though would be a good selling advert to watch.
the comic elements we had Incorporated came out well as 9 out of 10 people stated they would remember an advert more if its funny.

Challenging the original conventions of an advert was a risk for us as a team because we didn't know how successful it would be or how the audience would react considering it wasn't 'usual' for an advert.
We decided to take the video aspect of the advert and change the moving conventions into still shots.
Taking still images and then merging them into a advert form was challenging in itself as we had to learn how to use all sorts of programmes that we had never come into contact with before however that is all part of the experience.

The reasoning behind using these still shots was to ensure the core focus was on the kettle, not the moving image.
We wanted our audience to stop and think about how and why our advert was different, and what better way to do that by gaining there attention by an advert out of ordinary conventions.
Conventions of adverts we had studied and researched were all very much the same therefore we mainly only changed one aspect to our adverts to ensure it wasn't too over the top and lost the audiences interest, this would have led to no sales or profit.
Lighting, Composition, Sound, Music Tracks& Voice overs,Hair and Makeup we payed so much attention to detail as this sequel had to be delivered as professional and at least memorable in one way.


We developed our ideas using boundaries of the existing conventions and from our critical audience feedback as well as the research performed before we started creating our outcomes.

Development is all about taking peoples personal opinions and adjusting them to suite your ideas taking both positive and negative critic into account.
We would like to consider ourselves as using the correct amount of development process and creating our products from one step to another, with decisions made to enhance our outcomes and that we have explained and evaluated clearly.

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