Friday 8 January 2010

How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

Researching our product consisted of observing and identifying adverts, sponsorship adverts and radio advertisements, after brain storming up a rough idea of the assignment we intended to create from inception to completion. To make this a successful project we intended to follow the right criteria.

Firstly we researched adverts on YouTube such as PG tips and Utterly Butterly as we decided the style of both of these adverts were compatible and complimented our original ideas. We as consumers both use these two products ourselves at home. We believe it is appropriate to research a product you are familiar with, as you, are the target audience you understand the way in which ways attracted you to the product advertisement for example, Mike enjoyed the comic aspect of both adds however i recognised the adverts again by there music characteristics, as i believe a catchy tune will be related to that advert wherever you may here it in the future.

An example of this would be the 'Go Compare' advert. The opera audio over this add was extremely annoying and catchy despite this, everybody internalises the tune in there head and remembers the company, this means the advert did its job of hailing and delivering the message to the audience.
Introducing ourselves to new media technologies expanded our ideas about how the public perceive adverts as such. This research on existing radio, sponsorship adverts and television adverts has given us a broader incite of the assemblage of the media specialist techniques used in this field.

Discovering that this project was going to be a challenge we decided to break down into sections how we would research and plan our work.
-Analysing and considering lighting, voice overs/ radio advertisements, actors, equipment,hair and makeup, costume.
Breaking down our work into these components ensured we covered all necessary points to ensure our own successful outcomes.

The planning of our project followed suite of our research we used the similar layout to keep everything legible and fluent. We wanted to certify that we would benefit from the new media technologies that we had been introduced to.
Using this Blog to evaluate our work and to demonstrate our working thoughts is also a new way of exhibiting our ideas, this on its own was an exciting way to present and appraise our work.
In our planning we had to ensure that we covered every element of our creations as you cannot just create a product with no evidential progression or audience feedback.
We used technology such as a questionnaire and video responses of some different ranges of age groups throughout our project to ensure we followed the critic and acted on their points, this really helped us to produce the RIGHT outcome for our audience.

This media project was again a new and challenging task for us. We had to research all sorts of new conventions and construction of existing products way before we started constructing what was to be our final outcomes.
After we had gathered all the information we needed and finished all the appropriate planning for our products, we started to think about the applicable programmes we could adopt to help us accomplish the success of our outcomes.

Photoshop, Fotomagico, audacity were the main programmes used for editing and composing our achievements. We struggled with adopting the new approaches and specialist methods on these programmes as we had very little knowledge of how to go about commencing the outcomes. We found that the YouTube tutorials were extremely helpful and as we got 'thrown in at the deep end' it was a great way of acquiring very fast solutions to our inconveniences.

As a team we decided to take this project and try and insert a twist challenging the 'video' aspect of the adverts, we did this by using still images and adding the zoom, rotation, pan and text effects to the images in a programme called
Fotomagico then exporting them as a movie file and adding our voice overs over the top in audacity another application.
This in itself is a new media technology for us as it is an attempt at shifting ordinary conventions and collect the opinions of potential 'customers'.
From any project you will always receive positive and negative criticism, though it may not be ideally what you would like to here it is always a great way of improving your work. We have gained allot from our Video responses i would say they have been our most productive method of advance and progression to obtain our final outcome as a triumph.

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