Friday 8 January 2010

How effective is the combination of your main product and your ancillary tasks?

The ancillary task offered us many skills that we could apply to the main piece of coursework. We both carried out our ancillary tasks with different people, but this worked to our advantage. As we both gained different skills and techniques that can be applied to our coursework. If we did the ancillary tasks with each other, we would have still maintained information but it would have been as much as if we both were to go with different people, which we did.

Our first task was to create a short film, this allowed us to pick up alot of techniques before entering our main piece of coursework. Techniques such as camera angles, how to arrange lighting and all sorts of other things related to the production of our coursework. Another major thing we picked up would be that planning your work is essential, both of first tasks could have been planned much better, and with more planning they could have had a much greater effect.

Once better planning had been put in place, we could then create a more positive outcome. We think that the combination of the ancillary task and the main coursework text is very important and essential. You can learn alot from the ancillary task that you can apply to your main piece of coursework, for example planning. If you take a step back and look at the bigger picture, you can can get much more work done. What I mean by this is that it is easy to rush into things alot and not think about your process you are about to start. So by taking a step back just to calm down, you can then create a much better piece of work as you are more focused and you know what you are doing.

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